
Readable code: Writing future-proof applications

February 27, 2024

An argument on the importance of readable code, and some practical tips on how to keep your code readable.


Airflow on AKS: A Step-by-Step Guide to Helm Deployment on Azure

August 20, 2023

A practical guide to setting up Airflow on Azure Kubernetes Service leveraging Terraform and Helm.


Deploying infrastructure to Azure using Terraform and GitHub Actions

April 2, 2023

In this tutorial we deploy infrastructure to Azure through GitHub Actions by creating a Service Principal and configuring Terraform to use a remote backend.


Deploying Python Lambda functions using Docker

October 9, 2022

In this tutorial we deploy multiple Lambda functions written in Python with one single Docker image using AWS CDK.


Deploying a Flask API to Google Cloud Run using Terraform - Part 2

June 26, 2022

In this tutorial we add deployment through CI/CD with GitHub Actions to the Cloud Run API that we built in the previous tutorial.


Deploying a Flask API to Google Cloud Run using Terraform - Part 1

June 19, 2022

A tutorial in which we deploy a Dockerized Flask API to Google Cloud Run, while provisioning the required infrastructure with Terraform.


Comparing the pace of athletes during the 2022 Rotterdam Marathon

April 11, 2022

A small tool that allows individual athletes to see how their pace ranks against that of others during the Rotterdam Marathon. Mostly just the result of experimenting with the use of React components within MDX documents.


Poetry & Data II: Identifying meter in poetry using Python

April 6, 2022

This page describes in more detail how the meter was determined with python for the analysis in 'Poetry & Data II: Meter'


Poetry & Data II: Meter

April 6, 2022

Part two of the series on the poems by /u/poem_for_your_sprog on Reddit. In this part of the series, we analyze the poetic meter within the poems.


Poetry & Data I: Exploration

April 5, 2022

Part one of the series on the poems by /u/poem_for_your_sprog on Reddit. In this part of the series, we analyze their comment history and the upvotes and awards they gained.